Arrival of the Birds
Einfach traumhaft.
And I was awake.
Five months of being trapped in a prison created by my own mind. A nightmare that had no end, and no beginning – a nightmare that had no exit. It was where darkness reigned supreme, where the Light was a familiar, but an unwelcome visitor. It seemed like I was running every second, trying to escape.
One day, I stopped running. I turned around and faced the monsters of my own creation. Out of the Darkness, came a single ray of Light. The First Light.
And I was awake.
The Regulator
I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home.
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I’ll cry no more.
And how many times have I prayed
That I would get lost along the way?
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head.
The regulator’s swinging pendulum.
Come with me and walk the longest mile.
Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
For not a year later it’s got you lying on your back.
You should have closed your windows and got another dog.
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks.
And how many times have I prayed
The angels would speed me away.
Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head.
The regulator’s swinging pendulum.
Come with me and walk the longest mile.
Disney vermittelt einem eine falsche Vorstellung von der Liebe.
Oder es ist der Alltag und die Gewohnheit, die zwar eine Beziehung selbst schön macht, aber das Ende um so härter, wenn man alleine mitten in der Nacht Aufwacht und der letzte Traum nichts als Schmerz bereitet, weil man alleine im Bett liegt und sich nicht wie sonst einfach an seinen Partner schmiegen kann um sich an seinem Dasein erfreuen zu können.
Brutale Welt
Der Sauger
Bei so einer Saugkraft …
Ludovico Einaudi – Fly
Rio im Zeitraffer
Wie gerne würde ich jetzt einfach dem Schnee / Winter entfliehen und in Rios sein …